We hope we can help you find your dream home! If you wish to buy property in Hungary, to build or just need help, please contact us! Please browse our website and contact us!
Our office is a family business, which is 15 years' experience in real estate (apartments, houses, guest houses, castles, commercial, and industrial, real estate), broadcast-taking. Our goal is a high level of professional knowledge, the reliability and scale to meet the needs of our clients' milk.
More and more foreign nationals are buying homes, house or other real estate in Hungary, but in saying that other countries, other customs territory of the purchase of real estate is also true, therefore, to facilitate our clients' job to provide information and appropriate economic, legal, tax and tax rules, and emerging issues.
Property of all, we are offering a reliable, accurate data acquisition (whether the property is unencumbered, what is the site of application, the property ordered to conditions that the owner of any statutory or local taxes been paid to, etc.).
Photos, videos, preparation, advantages, disadvantages mapping.
Our office supply to view and select the appropriate parameters property.
The selected real estate professionals, accompanied by their personal view (real estate expert consultant, translator, designer, contractor)
Lake Balaton is Europe's largest real estate Leinformált Tavano and its vicinity, Hévíz, the world's second largest natural termáltavánál, the Great Plains and the Tiszatónal Budapest and driving distance.
Procedura after completion of the purchase of any assistance,
Good references, reliable resources recommendation.
The 1996th Act 7 / 1996 (I.18) Law has considerably facilitated the purchase of real estate to foreigners. This is based on the same legal rights of foreign nationals to purchase real estate and urban land as a Hungarian citizen, with the exception of agricultural and conservation areas.
Europa-EU citizens 2004th May 01-from the Administrative Office to purchase residential real estate property without permission, in the case where this property is the primary place to live.
The purchase of the property as follows: if one or more ajánlatunkból property is selected, the time after consultation with our office to view the property, to provide expert advice and support from colleagues. If interested in purchasing a property decides that a preliminary contract and paying a book containing 10-20% (signature, payment of attorneys engaged) in the final contract signing. The sale of real estate purchase contract required the seller to the buyer and the language of the editor to produce a lawyer. The transaction is countersigned by a lawyer complicating responsibility for the cleanliness and the legitimacy of transactions.
The sale costs (legal, transcription, licensing costs) borne by the purchaser. The local and regional land registration offices to obtain necessary permit (a lawyer handle) in the case where the customer is not a citizen of the Union or of a primary residence but can not buy the property. The contract was signed within 6-8 weeks after the buyer receives the lawyer on registration documents.
Our office even after the transcription services for our different customers, such as.: Support of office procedures in public transcript, ingatlanfelügyelet, legal advice, telephone, Internet ordering, opening a bank account, obtain a residence card, and any other problem or question, we are also happy to available. The Hungarian law treats the property as well as in European countries, which means that the property is inherited or sold at any time.
The fölhivatali single charge, after registration, the owner must pay a tax imposed on the form. This is the date of sale about 1-2 months after the notification shall be settled separately. This rate of housing is 4%. Do not have to pay for the purchase of building land, if the installation is within 4 years.
Attorney fees of EUR 1.500 .-, which includes everything (legal fee, tulajdonilap purchase, and containing two adaávételi contract language, the mayor's office and administrative duties, land tax).
The local taxes are imposed on the relevant local government and municipalities is changing. / It is recommended these taxes forintszámláról bank reference. /
The insurance companies can be found in Hungary in the international rules and in a manner binding on the insurance. According to these various property damage, against.
(Our customers offset the cost, the current account transfer is recommended.)
Our office for further information about design, designers, construction companies, reliable professionals, and duty regulations, residence permits, etc..
We hope that you are interested in a property and honor our trust