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The Middle Danube Basin, large (approximately 100,000 km ˛ area) or plain old Great Plains of Hungary, was called. Belonging to Hungary the north and central part of about 50.000 km ˛, 56% of Hungary's territory. Borders of our country are clear: the Northern Mountains to the north, east and south of the border (artificial delimitation!) West of the Transdanubian hills and surrounded by the Transdanubian Mountains. Not to the Danube plains, while the Mezőföld and the Drava plain that extends along the Transdanubia.

The area is perfect for most of the plains, the most high height differences are insignificant, and therefore form nagytáj seem monotonous, but to a lesser Sakers divided into smaller areas examined so varied (eg Fülöpháza dunes and lakes area, a few ultra high climb, a little more moisture in the plant has a large - and fauna point of view). Not monotonous plains, but a mosaic located in different type (formation, kőzetanyag, soil, water balance ...) and different-sized landscapes freak. The peremektől slight slope basin type is characterized by the southern areas excluded.

Development especially in the rivers, respectively. small part due to the wind feltöltő work.
The tszf. 100 meters lower areas of current and former floodplains, most of them perfectly flat. The tszf. Towering 100 feet above the wind térszínek primarily supplied by the wind and loess áthalmozott homokterületek. Simply put, 3 +1 tájtípus distinguished: floodplains, loess, Homokhát, peripheral areas.

Floodplains - where human activity is not regulated - they still live today. Here is the current "Commissioner" of water, sediments formed by the flood. The deposited clay, sand, gravel töltögeti Balancing the surface. Vegetation of floodplain forests - sometimes with real forests - is characterized by meadows, kaszálókkal, marshes turn.

The loess accumulation in the ice hotel kőzetpor remain higher térszíneken. The high-quality loess soil formation. Natural vegetation in the grassland (steppe) and forest bare only trace amounts of untraceable. Today is mainly arable area.

The surface buckás Homokhát often directed by the wind, river debris delivered to mobile, áthalmozva. Once the surface of sand covered with oak forests, now mostly garden and szőlőgazdálkodás scene.

The climate is continental (mainland), low (500-600 mm) and unevenly distributed rainfall (drought!), A significant daily and annual hőingás, low clouds and sun exposure is characterized by long-term.

The outermost boundary of the Great Plains and nagytájak transitional landscapes. Most of them are humble foothill groundwater, rivers hordalékkúpjából a slightly undulating area.

The Alföld major rivers - the Danube, although cuts, defined by - the extreme vízjárású a lot of debris carrying Tisza. A lot - most of them have already cut - the river bend középszakasz phrases.

The Plain soil is very varied, the two extreme high quality Mezőségi given saline soils and worthless. The casting, meadow, sand and brown forest soils is characteristic of the occurrence.

Today the Great Plains of the cultural landscape was transformed by man, mostly. Adottságainál today because the typical agricultural area, although the industrialization of certain areas is sometimes highly transformed image (for example, Paks, Martfű).
Spread of the population located in medium-sized cities (towns) and large populations concentrated in óriásfalvakban. The romantic world of farms slowly decreasing. And Kiskunsag Hortobágy National Park preserves the values of old times and memories.